Monday, May 13

Burrata, Wild Oregano, Lemon & Chilli

I was in the big smoke this weekend - London that is, not New York - and made a pilgrimage to Borough Market. What an inspiration this place is. Why can't all cities have a market like this. Amongst other purchases I picked up some wild oregano which has so much flavour compared to the usual shop bought variety. Paired here with Burrata, a very soft mozzarella-like cheese from Puglia, this made a very special starter.  Fresh marjoram would make a fine substitution to the oregano if you can't find any.

Burrata - 1
Lemon zest
Red chilli
Very good olive oil
Dried wild oregano
Maldon sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

~llow the cheese to come to room temperature and simply tear the burrata open and sprinkle liberally with all the remaining ingredients. A green salad would work well as an addition.

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